Yes, my darling husband has a Mistress. And I approve.
I know his Mistress well. I know where she lives. I know how much time he spends with her. I know how much money he spends on her (he asks my permission every time).
She's lived with us for the past eighteen years. I haven't really added up how much we've paid her, but Hubby has a tally. He could tell me in an instant if I asked.
She keeps him happy and satisfied. She adds to his frustrations as well
He has a circle of friends that also have Mistresses, some of them have more than one. They all share the same joys and furstrations. They all understand the joys when a Mistress behaves and performs beyond expectations.
They all commiserate when a Mistress behaves badly, but they usually blame themselves
They love their Mistresses. Those with families, like mine, do so with thier wife's indulgence and permission and sometimes even their active participation. I've joined my husband and Mistress once and enjoyed it immensely. Hubby want's me to join him and his Mistress more often. I will, but the extra cost she will charge us makes it difficult.
In a few years we hope our boys will join in too. For now they watch. Under sufference, they would much prefer to participate, but they're just too young, too small. She's just too powerful, too much to handle by young boys. Give them a couple of years, and a bit of experience with more easier to handle mistresses, then maybe. Or maybe they'll want their own.